Liberty Net: August 11, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

ONE OF THE EXPERIMENTS taking place at WB4AIO and N2IRJ is the introduction of software defined radios (SDRs) into the Liberty Net technological arsenal. Look for improved reception, streaming, and recordings in the near future!

Listen: Liberty Net 8/11″]

Here’s a tiny selection of the many, many subjects discussed and debated during this week’s Liberty Net:

• The Washington regime is opening a “data collection center” in Utah, which is supposed to become operational next year, explicitly for the illegal and unconstitutional purpose of aiding the regime’s efforts to spy on our email, telephone, and other private conversations. (19 minutes)

• Predictably, Mitt Romney has selected yet another neocon warmonger as his running mate. The “mainstream,” billionaire-media-approved candidates of both parties all support the Zionist murderers and bankers who misrule us and a good part of the world. (23 minutes)

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Liberty Net: August 4, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

AFTER SEVERAL WEEKS of absence due to a power supply failure and subsequent parts requisition and repair, N2IRJ was finally able to rejoin the Liberty Net this week. Welcome back, Marty! Special thanks to Al, N2SAG, for his extra effort in keeping the conversation lively and on a high level despite the absence of Marty and the phone patch callers.

Listen: Liberty Net 8/4″]

Here’s a small sampling the many subjects brought up during this week’s Liberty Net:

• Up until recently, solar energy has required a prohibitively high investment. But subsidies have brought the costs down, and the payback time is now much shorter. Whether we approve of subsidies or not, it is a fact that those who take the plunge also greatly increase their independence. This week WD8PAV was the first high-power check-in to the Liberty Net using power obtained entirely from solar panels. (38 minutes)

• Cass Sunstein, who advocated creating a sort of “Ministry of Truth” to censor the Internet and specifically to punish writers who questioned the official 9/11 narrative, is leaving his position with the Washington regime. His replacement has Soros connections. (1 hour 8 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 28, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

DESPITE SUMMERTIME STATIC at the highest levels we’ve seen this season, and despite the temporary loss of the N2IRJ phone patch (Marty is repairing his transceiver’s power supply as I type), the Liberty Net had numerous new check-ins and extremely interesting discussions this week.

Listen: Liberty Net 7/28″]

Here’s a small selection from the many ideas brought forward during this week’s Liberty Net:

• Many people are saying that being forced to choose between Mitt Rob-me and Fetchit is a matter of picking the lesser of two evils. But is it really better to pick the “less evil” and hope that a smaller amount of damage will be done? Isn’t it better to let the more obvious evil reign so that no one will be lulled into complacency that “things are getting better” — and to ensure that more and more people will be radicalized and build an overwhelming consensus for revolution? (14 minutes)

• We have a system in which politicians are buying votes with stolen wealth and charging the bill to the future. The fact that we have a degraded electorate that can’t figure that out, and reject it, illustrates the total failure of one-man one-vote mass democracy, which isn’t what the founders intended anyway. (35 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 7, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

NEITHER SOLAR FLARES nor power surges, nor anything that the enemies of free speech have attempted, have stopped — or even put a crimp in the style of — the Liberty Net. The net has been on the air, serving the public interest, and expanding minds since 1974.

Listen: Liberty Net 7/7″]

Here are just a few of the things that were discussed during this week’s session of the net:

• Now that the money-manipulators and criminal politicians have dug a deep economic hole for themselves — now that millions have awakened to their scams and crimes — will they play the only card they have left, and start another World War? It’s clear that the tyrants hate Russia, because Russia is not under their control, and recent false flag events indicate that Russian resistance to the ongoing attempted CIA / Mossad coup in Syria may be used as a pretext. (38 minutes)

• US Treasuries, at nearly zero per cent. interest, have now reached the point where many rational investors consider them unmarketable. What does that say about the solvency of institutions that hold vast quantities of them? (41 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 16, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

AS WE ENTER the Summertime static season on 75 meters, it’s good for every Liberty Net participant to review what is necessary for an effective signal on that band: 1) Use a full size antenna, meaning a 120-foot half-wave dipole (or larger) horizontal antenna, or a full 60-foot quarter wave vertical with multiple radials. Inverted Ls larger than a half wave work well too with a good radial system and with the horizontal part a quarter wave or higher, as do full wave loops at a similar height. 2) Get that antenna up high in the air — straight up to 60 feet for verticals; 40 feet minimum for horizontals, but the higher the better up to 100 feet. 3) Run as much clean power as you can; even if you are strong to the Net Control Station, the more remote stations will appreciate the extra signal-to-noise ratio. 4) Run clean audio compression. Compression keeps the average audio level high and consistent, but make it clean like a broadcast station — clipping and other forms of distortion may increase the sensation of loudness but actually detract from intelligibility.

And remember this principle: Since atmospheric noise is high and is the limiting factor for reception on 75 meters, even a low and lossy antenna will receive just about as well as a high, efficient one. This leads some operators to think “I can hear them all fine on my 20-foot-high jumbled vee or trap vertical… they should hear me too.” Not true. To overcome the high noise and interference levels on this band and be heard well, you need the highest, most efficient antenna you can manage. It’s worth the effort.

Listen: Liberty Net 6/16″]

Here is a small sampling of subjects from this week’s discussion:

• By Executive Order, the regime’s figurehead just “legalized” over 800,000 Mestizo invaders of our living space. (54 minutes)

• The widely-accepted (but insane and illegal) idea that legislatures can make any laws they want to make has led to the creation of “food police” laws in New York City, the alleged purpose of which is to prevent restaurants or movie theatres from selling drinks with “too many” calories per serving. (1 hour 3 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 9, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

HOW DOES amateur radio serve the public interest?

We all know about technical education, emergency communications, and experimentation — but an ever-increasing number of radio amateurs are realizing just how valuable it is when it provides the means to bypass the billionaires’ controlled media and lets us find out about — and share — what is really happening in our own communities and around the world.

Listen: Liberty Net 6/9″]

Here are a just few of the highlights from this week’s conversation:

• Stocks have been a zero-sum game for a decade — real estate is a disaster — government debt is of ever more questionable value — and currencies are being purposely debauched. It seems that the only people who have come out ahead in recent years are crooked bankers who got bailed out (and can create money out of thin air anyway), and holders of precious metals. (12 minutes)

• We must sadly report the death of writer and economist Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster this week. He was a graduate of Northeastern University and was very active in the education of our people on financial and political matters since the 1960s, writing for the American Mercury and many other publications, and was often quoted on the Liberty Net. (36 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 2, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WHEN SMALL MINDS encounter open, reasoning minds, the result is often that the small minds attempt censorship. But the “gatekeeping” of editors — and the ADL/SPLC pressure on businesses and other entities — don’t mean much on the amateur radio airwaves. So the small minds are limited to (illegally) transmitting rude noises and the like in a futile attempt to stop communications on the Liberty Net. I say futile because many of the linchpin stations of the net have very substantial signals, and participants are able to hear at least two online streams of the net via N2SAG and N2IRJ (just follow the ‘Liberty Net live’ links in the left column of this site) in addition to their own receivers.

Listen: Liberty Net 6/2″]

Here are some excerpts from the debates and discussions that took place this week:

• Now that it’s finally been admitted that the Stuxnet virus was created by Israeli and “US” intelligence to purposely cause a nuclear disaster in Iran, how long will it be before that virus’s role in Fukushima will be acknowledged? A new, even more invasive virus called Flame has also been created by the same culprits. Don’t such attacks constitute acts of war? (25 minutes)

• The media’s blackout on Ron Paul’s victories — he won the state of Maine recently — is near total. For some reason or other, the media owners want to hide the fact that Paul has repeatedly garnered more delegates than the establishment shills, even after shill number one was declared “the victor.” (47 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 26, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THERE WERE A FEW feeble attempts to jam the Liberty Net in the last few weeks, but they were almost totally ineffective. It’s rather hard to wipe out a net that uses multiple antenna sites and multiple Internet audio streams — streams on which, by the way, several participants are streamed direct from their microphones to your speakers, making jamming impossible. The Internet adjuncts to the Liberty Net have also helped us zero in on jammers and silence them simply by determining their locations.

Listen: Liberty Net 5/26″]

Here are some of the ideas brought forth during this week’s session:

• The Secretary of State of Arizona recently requested a birth certificate from Hawaii for the billionaires’ figurehead “Barack Hussein Obama.” The result? Now there is yet a third suspicious and contradictory document to supplement the existing obvious forgeries. This time, there’s not even a pretense of it being an actual birth certificate — it’s simply a letter from an obscure official. (12 minutes)

• Why do European-Americans hate themselves so much that they willingly facilitate their own extinction? It has gone so far that Whites with no — or an undetectable trace of — Amerindian ancestry are claiming to be “Indians.” (26 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 19, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SELDOM DOES ONE get a chance to directly participate in significant dialogue and debate about the future of our civilization with truly aware and articulate men and women in today’s world. Most every “public debate” is carefully and expertly controlled to prevent you from thinking along channels not approved in advance by the oligarchs. But the weekly uncensored Liberty Net is a shining exception.

Listen: Liberty Net 5/19″]

Here are some of the ideas brought forth during this week’s session:

• The demise of Eastman Kodak — what is left of its corpse is now firmly in Chinese hands — is symptomatic of the looting of American manufacturing assets by Wall Street, usurers, and foreign interests. (8 minutes)

• Vic, W1WCR, the Net Control Station for the Liberty Net, was a regular correspondent of radio innovator Harold Beverage, who not only heard the Titanic’s distress call 100 years ago and invented the Beverage antenna, but whose ability to mathematically analyze antenna systems in the days before computers was nothing short of amazing. (10 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 12, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THERE IS quite a range of opinion — and debate — on the weekly Liberty Net, and in many ways it can be regarded as a confluence, even a synthesis, of the best ideas from all sides of the political spectrum. To me the most interesting trend is the increasing recognition that the regime in Washington is an outlaw, illegal regime and is not the legitimate successor to the government set up by the Founders.

Listen: Liberty Net 5/12″]

Here are some of the ideas brought to light during this week’s Liberty Net:

• Why are 26 states contracting with a Soros-owned company in Spain to tally the votes in their elections — especially with Soros’ reputation for interfering with elections around the world? (9 minutes)

• When you hear a politician blathering about how we must “soak the rich,” you can be sure that the politician is working for the super rich — who definitely don’t like competition, and use the politics of envy to cripple any mid-level wealthy families and prevent them from rising to their level. (19 minutes)

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