by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
AS SNOW ENVELOPS much of North America, travel may be impeded — but radio wave propagation is enhanced. This results in some excellent Liberty Net conversations, as this week’s recording makes clear. Why not check in yourself this week?
Listen: Liberty Net 12/22″]
Here are just a few of the ideas offered for debate on the net this week:
• If teachers were armed in every school — which would be far cheaper than hiring more policemen, or buying the useless spy cameras which do little more than show us the carnage after the fact — school shooting tragedies would become extremely rare. Of course, such a plan would only work in the civilized communities which are gradually disappearing as America’s founding race becomes a minority. (25 minutes)
• Why are elitists like Dianne Feinstein — who are wealthy enough to hire their own private armed guards — the very first to call for working people to be disarmed? (1 hour 2 minutes)