Survival Net Update: February 10, 2013


by Jim Saemann, AB3RA

SURVIVAL NET Session 6 took place on February 10. While we normally like to use 3.983, the frequency was occupied so we moved to 3.977. Band conditions were decent but we did run into some QRM from another net on a nearby frequency.

The topic of discussion was financial survival in times of economic distress. Before summarizing our discussion, I would like to thank Dieter (K3DK) for standing in for me as net control on January 27.  I was taking my daughter back to college that night and Dieter ran a lively discussion about emergency power generation.

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Liberty Net: February 2, 2013

Liberty Net - 860 vacuum tube

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WHEN THE AMERICAN revolutionaries of 1776 were organizing and speaking out, they didn’t use British-owned newspapers — they created their own media and found a way to bypass the established structures. The explosion of free speech was so effective that, after the revolution, they enshrined freedom of speech as the most sacred right of the people. The Liberty Net is a group of amateur radio operators who have been bypassing the censored media and exercising their right to freely share their thoughts since 1974. Join us this week!

Listen: Liberty Net 2/2″]

Here are some examples of the concepts discussed and debated during the latest Liberty Net session:

• Isn’t it interesting that the Middle Eastern nations which the Washington regime has bombed and invaded and fomented revolutions in were all attempting to break free of the “Western” fractional reserve banking system? (16 minutes)

• Is the military action in Mali part of a secret deal to get hold of the substantial gold reserves there? Is there any connection to the inability of New York banks to account for trillions in foreign gold deposits that are suddenly “unable to be delivered” to their owners? (19 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 26, 2013

Liberty Net - Electro Voice

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET, now in its 39th year, is the longest-running current events discussion net ever to exist in the Amateur Radio Service. Freely sharing information and ideas that the billionaires’ media censor or distort is the very essence of serving the public interest.

While our main focus is over-the-air communications, we also offer downloads and live feeds via the Internet, including a brand new Ustream feed via Liberty Net “tall ship” station N2SAG. (Stickam, where the N2SAG feed used to reside, has shut down.)

Listen: Liberty Net 1/26″]

Here are a few samples of the events and ideas debated on the Liberty Net this week:

• Many are angry about the recent decision to put women into front-line US combat roles. But consider carefully: Since the Washington regime is the enemy of the American people and of freedom-loving people everywhere, shouldn’t we welcome anything which would weaken its military and would discourage decent Americans from enlisting? (4 minutes)

• Do you think that church groups which bring Third Worlders into the US, and purposely settle them in the few remaining White areas of the country, do so for “humanitarian” reasons? Hell, no: The process is extremely lucrative, with tens of millions in government subsidies doled out to groups that engage in such genocide against us. (9 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 19, 2013

Liberty Net - clockby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WHILE MUCH OF North America is buried in a thick mantle of white snow, radio conditions have been as good as travel conditions have been bad. So warm up your radio shack with a crackling pine log and your rig’s glowing tungsten filaments, and travel via the magic of the Kennelly-Heaviside Layer — and share ideas with the new friends you’ll find on amateur radio’s Liberty Net.

Listen: Liberty Net 1/19″]

Here are a few small examples of the ideas discussed on the Liberty Net this week:

• If the alleged lawmakers in Washington and in statehouses throughout the land fail to read and heed the Constitution’s absolute prohibition of even the slightest infringement of the people’s right to defend themselves with arms — even from the police or “US government” troops if necessary — someday they may find themselves arrested and charged by an aroused citizenry. (16 minutes)

• If anyone needs to be disarmed, it should be those who operate — and those who order the operation of — the lethal drones that are being used by the Washington regime to kill innocent children even as we speak. (19 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 12, 2013

Liberty Net - the truth is out there Telefunken

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET is one of the few nets that practice frequency agility, not only as a method of evading interference — but also as a way to avoid causing interference. So, even though the net has been operating on 3983 and 3986 kHz in recent weeks, we might be found anywhere from about 3950 up to 3999 on any given week. Luckily, the Net Control Station, W1WCR, has a distinctly strong signal all over North America and his “call for check-ins” is easily found. So what are you waiting for? Check in this Saturday night!

Listen: Liberty Net 1/12″]

Here is a small sampling of the issues up for debate and discussion on the Liberty Net this session:

• Isn’t it interesting that so many of the gun-grabbers are packing guns themselves — or have heavily armed bodyguards — or are using countless deadly weapons to kill innocent people in foreign countries? (13 minutes)

• Why are the employees of the DC regime — and their union — saying little or nothing about Congress’s illegal seizure of their pension funds? (21 minutes)

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Survival Net Update


by Jim Saemann, AB3RA

THE SURVIVAL NET had its third meeting on Sunday, January 13, at 9 PM Eastern Time on 3983 kHz. We had an in-depth discussion about aquaponic gardening and keeping warm in a crisis. Aquaponics involves having a vegetable garden connected to a fish pond. The fish produce waste which fertilizes the vegetables. Water from the fish pond is filtered through the garden and returned to the pond. The result is high quality organic food, year round, without weeds, chemicals, etc.

Listen: Survival Net 1/13″]

One of the subtopics discussed was the very real possibility of a world wide hunger crisis due to drought and dust-bowl type conditions in many agricultural areas. The food shortage, combined with currency manipulation and devaluation, could lead to massive food inflation and possibly even riots. The importance of emergency food supplies, as well as sustainable personal agriculture, cannot be overestimated. Does anyone really want to rely on FEMA for their food?

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Liberty Net: January 5, 2013

Liberty Net - most exciting net in amateur radio

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WE WERE SADDENED to learn of the death of long-time Liberty Net participant Joe Rogers, W8LDW, last week after a hard-fought battle with cancer. He was born in 1943 in Dallas, Texas. Joe was an electrical engineer with Peerless Technologies where he worked on aviation projects, public and private. I always learned something from his transmissions, and, whether he agreed or disagreed with others, he invariably expressed himself like a real gentleman.

Here’s an excerpt from the Liberty Net of September 29th, featuring Joe’s transmission:


As fellow net participant Dieter Hauer, K3DK, said “His insight, words of wisdom and friendship will certainly be missed on our weekly radio net. Rest in peace Joe.”

Listen: Liberty Net 1/5″]

Here is a sample of the ideas put up for your consideration on the Liberty Net this time:

• A renewed America would restore the immigration policy that was put into effect by the Founders: one based on race. (16 minutes)

• Sean Hannity has now come out totally in favor of legalizing the Mestizo invasion of the United States. If you’re surprised by this, you haven’t been listening to the Liberty Net. (19 minutes)

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Liberty Net: December 29, 2012

Liberty Net - never stop learning

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

A NEW NET was born this week as Liberty Net participant Jim, AB3RA, moderated the very first session of the Survival Net, which is now scheduled for each Sunday night at 9PM Eastern Time on the same frequency that the Liberty Net has been using most often lately: 3983 kHz.

The Survival Net focuses on how you and your family can best prepare for natural disasters and societal breakdown, having fun and maximizing your liberty in the process. If the first meeting is any indication, this is going to be a lively and very educational net indeed. I’d like someone to volunteer to man the discussion room, and record and stream the audio for the Survival Net, as I am not always going to be available at that time. Any Survival Net recordings I am able to make will be posted with the Liberty Net files in the usual locations on this site.

Al, N2SAG, is now running a most welcome phone patch during the Liberty Net — some participants have dubbed it the “Cabbage Patch,” just as they named Marty, N2IRJ’s patch the “Briar Patch.”

Listen: Liberty Net 12/29″]

Here’s a tiny selection from the concepts put forth on the Liberty Net this time:

• Even the banker-controlled (and illegal) regime that misrules Greece has admitted that a partial default on Greece’s bank debt is necessary. What the Golden Dawn and other patriots should push for is a total repudiation of all the bankers’ phony debt. Fractional reserve bank debt is a scam and neither the Greeks, nor us, nor anyone, owes the bankers a single centime. (11 minutes)

• When easily-fooled people rant about how wonderful it would be to go back to confiscatory tax rates for “the rich,” they forget that those Roosevelt-imposed (and illegal) taxes were supported — and easily evaded — by the super-wealthy with their foundations and tax-free investments. The real effect of such high taxes is to prevent anyone from ever rising to challenge the wealth and power of the ultra-rich oligarchs. (25 minutes)

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Liberty Net: December 22, 2012

Liberty Net - two freedoms

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

AS SNOW ENVELOPS much of North America, travel may be impeded — but radio wave propagation is enhanced. This results in some excellent Liberty Net conversations, as this week’s recording makes clear. Why not check in yourself this week?

Listen: Liberty Net 12/22″]

Here are just a few of the ideas offered for debate on the net this week:

• If teachers were armed in every school — which would be far cheaper than hiring more policemen, or buying the useless spy cameras which do little more than show us the carnage after the fact — school shooting tragedies would become extremely rare. Of course, such a plan would only work in the civilized communities which are gradually disappearing as America’s founding race becomes a minority. (25 minutes)

• Why are elitists like Dianne Feinstein — who are wealthy enough to hire their own private armed guards — the very first to call for working people to be disarmed? (1 hour 2 minutes)

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Liberty Net: December 15, 2012

Liberty Net - vacuum tube

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

MARTY, N2IRJ, remains off the air in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, and an injury and other setbacks have impaired his ability to restore his damaged station. Recovery is progressing, albeit slowly, and his transmitter and computer are now functioning, though pain prevents Marty from regularly checking his email. Antenna repairs are still to be made. Marty sends his thanks to those who have written him. Your kindness will always be remembered.

Listen: Liberty Net 12/15″]

Here are just a few of the ideas presented this week for discussion on the Liberty Net:

• When shootings — just as fatal as the one in Connecticut — take place in Chicago, as they do hundreds of times every year, it hardly makes the news. And there is plenty of draconian “gun control” in Chicago. (7 minutes)

• What is the matter with the mental functioning of the American people who, when confronted with an emotion-laden tragedy like the recent school killings, think that the solution is yet another law? Hint: Murder is already illegal. (8 minutes)

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