by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
THE LIBERTY NET is one of the few nets that practice frequency agility, not only as a method of evading interference — but also as a way to avoid causing interference. So, even though the net has been operating on 3983 and 3986 kHz in recent weeks, we might be found anywhere from about 3950 up to 3999 on any given week. Luckily, the Net Control Station, W1WCR, has a distinctly strong signal all over North America and his “call for check-ins” is easily found. So what are you waiting for? Check in this Saturday night!
Listen: Liberty Net 1/12″]
Here is a small sampling of the issues up for debate and discussion on the Liberty Net this session:
• Isn’t it interesting that so many of the gun-grabbers are packing guns themselves — or have heavily armed bodyguards — or are using countless deadly weapons to kill innocent people in foreign countries? (13 minutes)
• Why are the employees of the DC regime — and their union — saying little or nothing about Congress’s illegal seizure of their pension funds? (21 minutes)