Liberty Net: August 10, 2013


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SUPPORTING THE LIBERTY NET is one of the main purposes of this Web site, and the hosting and streaming servers and interactive discussion servers we use are not free. We don’t make any money at this at all, and our rates just went up significantly — so, if you have benefited from, why not consider a small donation to support our efforts? Just click on

Listen: Liberty Net 8/10″]

Here are just a few of the concepts put forth on the Liberty Net this time:

• More and more people and businesses are locating their servers and data outside of the United States, especially in countries known for their lack of “cooperation” with the Washington regime. Thanks, DC, for trashing a multibillion-dollar industry! (14 minutes)

• Even many of those who supported Obamacare are having second thoughts now that they see it as the naked federal/corporate power grab that it is. Those who want total power over our lives have now floated the idea of outlawing charity hospitals and cash-for-service doctors because they evade their net of absolute control. (21 minutes)

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Liberty Net: August 3, 2013


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SUPPORTING THE LIBERTY NET is in the best tradition of amateur radio and in the American tradition of free speech too. It’s a place where current events are discussed freely and without censorship or media “gatekeepers.” There’s nothing like it on the air — anywhere.

Listen: Liberty Net 8/3″]

Here are just a few of the ideas and events put up for debate and discussion on the Liberty Net this session:

• Think that “we don’t have a domestic spying program,” as figurehead Barack claimed a few days ago? Just ask the American family who got a visit from System thugs after the woman of the house was searching on Google for pressure cookers for her lentils, her husband was searching for camping gear like backpacks, and their son was doing a report on the Boston bombing. (15 minutes)

• Google has a long history of cooperating with censorious governments and pressure groups, so many people are abandoning it for DuckDuckGo and other search platforms. (20 minutes)

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Liberty Net: March 9, 2013

Liberty Net - intelligent radio

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE listen to the Liberty Net each week — in fact, the downloads of net recordings alone justify those numbers, to which must be added those who check in and listen live on the air, via Ustream, and via . The net is the longest-running current events discussion net ever on the air, and you’re encouraged to make your voice heard by checking in this Saturday night.

Listen: Liberty Net 3/9″]

Here’s a selection of some of the ideas put forth for discussion and debate during this week’s session of the Liberty Net:

• When you have two criminal parties running your government, gridlock and “inability to get things done” are good things. (12 minutes)

• You heard it here first, many months ago: A Republican “SuperPAC” has been formed, with the billionaire oligarchs’ money behind it, to purge the Republican party of anyone who opposes the Mestizo invasion of the United States. (14 minutes)

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Liberty Net: March 2, 2013

To win, abandon the system

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE PUBLISHER of a disaster preparation handbook checked into the Liberty Net this week to get information on the net’s operations for inclusion in his book — stating that in a disaster situation the net might be the only way for some people to get accurate information. We appreciate the interest — keep on spreading the word!

Listen: Liberty Net 3/2″]

Here’s a selection of some of the commentary and questions put forth during this week’s Liberty Net session:

• Cheap-labor-exploiting Republicans and banker-owned Democrats are united in demanding the legalization of the Mestizo invasion of the United States — and whenever these gangs of criminals are united, you know it’s bad for us. (15 minutes)

• The doctrine of human equality is a preposterous — and murderous — doctrine, and absolutely incompatible with freedom and self-determination. It truly is as Richard Cotten once said: “Free men are not equal; and equal men are not free.” (31 minutes)

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Liberty Net: February 23, 2013

Liberty Net - What am I listening to?by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

VIC, W1WCR’s antenna repairs this week brought his already continent-spanning signal back up to the continent-dominating level. Vic is the Net Control Station (NCS) for amateur radio’s longest-running current events discussion net, the Liberty Net.

As Spring and Summer — and increased atmospheric static — loom in the near future, it’s good to plan transmitting antenna improvements at your station. Full-size antennas — a full quarter wave vertical with an excellent radial system, or a half-wave or longer horizontal antenna no lower than 50 feet average above the ground — are definitely the best. 75 meters is a highly crowded and competitive band with a high natural noise level, and compromise antennas are a poor choice for net operations.

Listen: Liberty Net 2/23″]

Here’s a small sample of some of the concepts discussed on the Liberty Net this week:

• You know it’s really getting bad when Federal Reserve officials themselves are warning that Bernanke’s “QE Infinity” policy, and the unsaleable debt it’s based on, threaten the solvency of the “fail proof” central bank. (11 minutes)

• The bankers can easily make it look like the “sequester” causes huge economic problems — and thereby get the kind of budget agreement they want (one that creates more and more debt and more interest payments to them, natch) — just by turning down their money creation spigots for a few days. (38 minutes)

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Liberty Net: February 16, 2013

Liberty Net - listen and learn reel-to-reel tape

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

LEARNING IS FUN when it involves interacting with the friendly folks on the Liberty Net, amateur radio’s longest-running current events discussion net. Why not add your voice by checking in this Saturday night? Challenge a premise today!

Listen: Liberty Net 2/16″]

Here are just a few of the hundreds of ideas brought up on the net this week:

• The recent incredibly close asteroid fly-by and the meteorite impact in Russia show beyond doubt the urgent need to increase our intelligence so we have a chance of preventing the inevitable future, much larger, cosmic encounters from wiping us out. Unfortunately, the “equality” religion, dysgenic breeding, and mass Third World immigration are instead decreasing our intelligence with each passing generation. (8 minutes)

• One of the things that the CIA and Mossad and the like do to destabilize “enemy” countries is to do everything they can to increase “diversity” there: Increasing the numbers and power of “minorities” makes a country weak, makes unity impossible, and may even lead to collapse or genocide. “Diversity” is literally a weapon of war. Now consider what is being done to the United States. (14 minutes)

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Liberty Net: February 9, 2013

Liberty Net - Turn-it-up

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

JIM, AB3RA, NCS of the Survival Net, took the helm of the Liberty Net for over two hours this week when W1WCR’s antenna system was damaged. Check-ins and discussions were plentiful and the conversation flowed smoothly until Vic resumed control after midnight, showing that the Liberty Net is a true community effort.

Listen: Liberty Net 2/9″]

Here are some selections from the thoughts brought forth on the Liberty Net this session:

• Why is the Washington regime — even agencies that normally have nothing to do with weaponry, like NOAA — buying up multiple billions of rounds of ammunition, causing an extreme shortage at retail stores? (16 minutes)

• The Boy Scouts of America are being pressured by some of the billionaires’ corporations — including Home Depot, Bank of America, AT&T, Verizon, and UPS — to start accepting homosexuals as leaders and participants. (24 minutes)

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Liberty Net: February 2, 2013

Liberty Net - 860 vacuum tube

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WHEN THE AMERICAN revolutionaries of 1776 were organizing and speaking out, they didn’t use British-owned newspapers — they created their own media and found a way to bypass the established structures. The explosion of free speech was so effective that, after the revolution, they enshrined freedom of speech as the most sacred right of the people. The Liberty Net is a group of amateur radio operators who have been bypassing the censored media and exercising their right to freely share their thoughts since 1974. Join us this week!

Listen: Liberty Net 2/2″]

Here are some examples of the concepts discussed and debated during the latest Liberty Net session:

• Isn’t it interesting that the Middle Eastern nations which the Washington regime has bombed and invaded and fomented revolutions in were all attempting to break free of the “Western” fractional reserve banking system? (16 minutes)

• Is the military action in Mali part of a secret deal to get hold of the substantial gold reserves there? Is there any connection to the inability of New York banks to account for trillions in foreign gold deposits that are suddenly “unable to be delivered” to their owners? (19 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 26, 2013

Liberty Net - Electro Voice

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET, now in its 39th year, is the longest-running current events discussion net ever to exist in the Amateur Radio Service. Freely sharing information and ideas that the billionaires’ media censor or distort is the very essence of serving the public interest.

While our main focus is over-the-air communications, we also offer downloads and live feeds via the Internet, including a brand new Ustream feed via Liberty Net “tall ship” station N2SAG. (Stickam, where the N2SAG feed used to reside, has shut down.)

Listen: Liberty Net 1/26″]

Here are a few samples of the events and ideas debated on the Liberty Net this week:

• Many are angry about the recent decision to put women into front-line US combat roles. But consider carefully: Since the Washington regime is the enemy of the American people and of freedom-loving people everywhere, shouldn’t we welcome anything which would weaken its military and would discourage decent Americans from enlisting? (4 minutes)

• Do you think that church groups which bring Third Worlders into the US, and purposely settle them in the few remaining White areas of the country, do so for “humanitarian” reasons? Hell, no: The process is extremely lucrative, with tens of millions in government subsidies doled out to groups that engage in such genocide against us. (9 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 19, 2013

Liberty Net - clockby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

WHILE MUCH OF North America is buried in a thick mantle of white snow, radio conditions have been as good as travel conditions have been bad. So warm up your radio shack with a crackling pine log and your rig’s glowing tungsten filaments, and travel via the magic of the Kennelly-Heaviside Layer — and share ideas with the new friends you’ll find on amateur radio’s Liberty Net.

Listen: Liberty Net 1/19″]

Here are a few small examples of the ideas discussed on the Liberty Net this week:

• If the alleged lawmakers in Washington and in statehouses throughout the land fail to read and heed the Constitution’s absolute prohibition of even the slightest infringement of the people’s right to defend themselves with arms — even from the police or “US government” troops if necessary — someday they may find themselves arrested and charged by an aroused citizenry. (16 minutes)

• If anyone needs to be disarmed, it should be those who operate — and those who order the operation of — the lethal drones that are being used by the Washington regime to kill innocent children even as we speak. (19 minutes)

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