by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
THIS WEEK’S AUTUMN SNOWSTORM killed electrical power and damaged trees in Hudson, New Hampshire, temporarily putting W1WCR, the Liberty Net’s Net Control Station, off the air. But Marty, N2IRJ, stepped into the breach and kept the conversation flowing. This week also marked the reappearance of long-time net participants N2SAG, WB8RAV, and N8WGM via N2IRJ’s new phone patch system.
Listen: Liberty Net 10/29″]
Here are some of the ideas discussed and debated this week on amateur radio’s longest-running discussion (as opposed to traffic, or mere rag-chewing) net, on the air since 1974:
• How does the addition of 50,000 “contractors” — a better word would be mercenaries, if not hit men — constitute a “withdrawal” from Iraq? (43 minutes)
• It is reported that J.P. Morgan alone holds $90 trillion in derivatives. Not only is this highly speculative form of “wealth created out of nothing” a time bomb waiting to go off, but it makes one wonder just why the banks didn’t bail out themselves — instead of ripping off the taxpayers. (45 minutes)