by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
IF YOU THINK that American politics and foreign policy are as they appear on the billionaires’ media, you’re woefully misinformed. Tune into overseas voices from countries that the Murdochs and the Sulzbergers hate, and alternative voices like the Liberty Net and other free media, and you’ll begin to see the way the world really is.
Listen: Liberty Net 4/13″]
Here’s a selection from the ideas discussed this week on the Liberty Net:
• With the American economy deep in the toilet, why is the stock market up? The insane flooding of this country with inflated dollars is the reason, but it doesn’t represent real value, and cannot be sustained. (15 minutes)
• Why are the well-connected and largely ethnically distinct New York elite allowed to make billions on other people’s tragedies by short-selling stocks they don’t own and haven’t even borrowed, in some cases selling more shares than even exist? (18 minutes)