Liberty Net: August 24, 2013


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET is nearly unique in amateur radio history. How many other nets offer up uncensored discussion of current events and the ideas that will profoundly affect the future of our civilization, with a real emphasis on the ideas suppressed by the billionaires’ media? As far as I know, you can count them on one-fifth of the fingers of one hand. Check in and add your voice today!

Listen: Liberty Net 8/24″]

Here are just a few of the ideas and events put up for debate and discussion on the Liberty Net this session:

• For those who have been harmed by the vultures of international finance, Assault on Wall Street will be a most satisfying film. (1 minute)

• With the Zionist-controlled powers just salivating for war with Syria, do you really think the Assad government would be suicidal enough to give them an excuse? Far more likely is that the banker-dupe “rebels” used the poison gas and that it was made in USA or Israel. (20 minutes)

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Liberty Net: August 17, 2013


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET has no agenda except the free flow of information and an increase in knowledge among free people with free minds. It’s a bracing change from the lies put out by the commercial media’s talking heads — and also from the limited “how’s the weather” and “5-9 good luck in the contest” type of non-communication that the control freaks want to limit us to. Check in today!

Listen: Liberty Net 8/17″]

Here’s a short summary of some of the topics explored on the net this week:

• As the bankers siphon more and more wealth away from us through their money-creation scam, Americans get poorer and poorer and food portions in the stores get smaller and smaller. Some manufacturers have even taken pains to design new containers that look like, say, the old gallon container — but only hold less than half that amount. (19 minutes)

• Now that “full time” employees must be given a huge list of benefits “guaranteed” by the regime in Washington, guess what? — there are practically no full-time jobs available any more. Time to keep all coercive third parties — like the regime — out of employment agreements, and put the rapacious bankers and their near-monopoly megacorporations out of business too. (31 minutes)

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Liberty Net: June 15, 2013


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET is a spontaneous cultural phenomenon. Beholden to no commercial or political entity, it is a natural, voluntary community of communicators who see a need to share the truth as they see it. One factor that unites net participants — and there are many — is a deep and justified skepticism about pronouncements from governments and from the billionaires’ media outlets.

Liberty Net – 2013-0615″]

Here’s a small selection of the issues brought up for debate on the Liberty Net this time:

• The Washington regime’s “law enforcement” agencies are now totally politicized: Witness the IRS persecution of political dissidents, and the total lack of proper investigation and prosecution of the criminal IRS bureaucrats. This, however, is just the tip of the iceberg — the FBI, CIA, JTTF, HSA, and NSA (among others) are all intensely politicized and relentlessly engage in illegal acts against dissidents. They are no longer legitimate or legal. (14 minutes)

• David Hunt and John Bolton are both wildly over-the-top “consulting warmongers” for Fox News. They never met a war they didn’t like. But suddenly, for the first time in a decade, they are getting cold feet about incinerating more Arabs. What’s going on? Has Vladimir Putin put something on the table that has made the DC regime and its sycophants very, very afraid? (21 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 11, 2013

Liberty Net - Grebe receiver

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET lost a good friend and participant with the recent death of Harrison Perl, K4GAR. Harrison, 92, was a pilot during World War 2 and was a regular on the net for two decades with his powerful signal from Sarasota, Florida. He was very active in national and local efforts to prevent the destruction of this nation for most of his adult life. Goodbye, courageous friend.

Liberty Net – 2013-0511″]

Here are a few selected items from the Liberty Net discussions this week:

• The so-called “Internal Revenue Service” is nothing more than a terror group and a collection agency for the banks. It is totally illegal and always has been. It should be treated exactly the same way that the very worst terror killers, murderers, and Mafia hit men are treated. (35 minutes)

• What a spineless bunch of cowards run the Heritage Foundation! They fired one of their officials for writing a paper when he was in college saying that Mestizo immigrants have a lower average IQ than Whites — something that practically everyone, Mestizos included, knows is true. (58 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 4, 2013

Liberty Net - real radio

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

AS SUMMERTIME static starts to rear its ugly head, it becomes more and more important to run a high, efficient antenna — and an RF power amplifier at or near full legal power, when operating on 75 meters in general and checking into the Liberty Net in particular. Here are some links that can help you build a great antenna:;wap2

Don’t be fooled by ad copy: Homemade full-size wire antennas are nearly always far superior to commercial compromise types!

Liberty Net – 2013-0504″]

Midweek Liberty Net – 2013-0508″]

Now here’s a brief summary of some of the ideas brought up on the Liberty Net this week:

• Beware the oligarchs’ (and Israel’s) attempt to get a war started in Syria. They really don’t care whether or not Syria has used chemical weapons (and why is that worse than lobbing depleted uranium warheads, like the Washington regime does?); and they don’t care if a revolutionary regime there will be far more fundamentalist and radical than the Assad government. All they care about is that Syria under Assad is strong, and they want a weak, faction-ridden Syria — a Syria that can’t keep out the Mossad and the CIA and the New York banking and media mega-corporations. (1 hour 2 minutes)

• There’s a new term for the states that have reached the ominous point at which there are more people dependent on government payments than are working — they’re called “death spiral” states. (1 hour 11 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 27, 2013

Liberty Net - your turn shure-55

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE NEW Midweek Liberty Net, after only two sessions — Wednesdays at 9PM Eastern — is attracting enough participants to almost equal our Saturday session in terms of length — over four hours of conversations last time!

Midweek Liberty Net – 2013-0501″]

Liberty Net – 2013-0427″]

Here are some of the ideas brought up for debate on the Liberty Net this week:

• If the intelligence agencies can bring a city to its knees — and get almost any new nationwide “security” laws they want — just by deploying a couple of patsies with backpacks, just imagine what they could do with a bigger operation. (13 minutes)

• The recent media-fueled rehabilitation of the reputation of mass murderer and traitor George W. Bush is reprehensible and disgusting. (34 minutes)

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Liberty Net: March 31, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

IONOSPHERIC CONDITIONS were turbulent and static levels were Summer-like in their intensity this week, but the efficient antennas of the Liberty Net’s keystone stations made the dialogue as interesting and lively as ever. On the air since 1974, the Liberty Net is amateur radio’s oldest current events discussion net.

Listen: Liberty Net 3/31″]

Here are some of the issues discussed and debated during this week’s Liberty Net:

• The Africanization of American life is reaching Idiocratic proportions: Illinois state representative Bobby Rush recently wore a “hoodie” to the legislative chamber and complained loudly about the shooting of Trayvon Martin in faraway Florida, while at the same time there were some 13 shootings in his own district, with two confirmed dead so far. (18 minutes)

• A young White boy in Missouri was recently attacked by a gang of Black thugs who poured gasoline on him and set him afire, all the while screaming racial abuse at him. Yet we hear nothing from Obama, nothing from Eric Holder, and nothing from the billionaires’ media on that crime. (25 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 14, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

IT’S NOT ALWAYS EASY to find a clear frequency for the Liberty Net, but one thing you’ll notice is that our net is one of the very few that does not merely fire up on an accustomed frequency, but instead is frequency-flexible. That means you’ll have to search for us — almost always between 3950 and 3990 kHz LSB — but W1WCR’s signal is strong and distinctive, so we shouldn’t be too hard to find.

Listen: Liberty Net 1/14″]

Here’s a small sample of what you’ll hear on our latest recording:

• Be prepared for even more inflation as the Fed, and the banks that control it, start more “quantitative easing” under the banner of “QE3” — meaning that the oligarchs will get trillions in free money, while the people hold fewer and fewer dollars, each of which is rapidly dropping in value. (14 minutes)

• More and more companies, though nominally “private corporations,” have in reality become creatures of the banks because of the mountains of debt that have been loaded upon them by corporate raiders. (22 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 7, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SOMETIMES OUR CONVERSATIONS, both on and off amateur radio, seem like a vast wasteland of empty chatter, small talk, and gossip — but that can’t be said of the conversations on the historic Liberty Net. Some of the most aware and articulate people I’ve ever known are regulars there. Taking part in Liberty Net conversations is a direct connection to bright minds and new perspectives — perspectives that often are suppressed or vilified by the billionaires’ media.

Listen: Liberty Net 1/7″]

Here’s a small sample of what you’ll hear on our latest recording:

• The protests aren’t just on Wall Street: In Israel — on Rothschild Boulevard, no less — one of the protestors against the financial oligarchs, many of whom have connections to that country, actually erected a guillotine. (18 minutes)

• Only 13 senators had the courage to vote against the outrageously illegal so-called “National Defense Authorization Act” (NDAA), which strips us of our most fundamental constitutional rights. There is a patriotic movement afoot to have the 86 who voted for it removed from office. (22 minutes)

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Liberty Net: December 31, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

JUST ONE OF THE AMAZING things you’ll hear on this week’s Liberty Net recording is the live transmission of automatic weapons and shotguns being fired in a Detroit neighborhood at midnight on New Year’s eve.

Listen: Liberty Net 12/31″]

The initial launch of our own live chat and audio feed was a success and we continue the experiment this week. While we experiment with this new feed and chat, we will not be using the old Stickam page. If you can’t check in over the air, please use our new live feed at:

The discussions and debates promise to be as intense as ever as we celebrate the 38th anniversary of our historic net. Here’s a small sample of what you’ll hear on the latest recording:

• As trillions of computer-generated “dollars” are being illegally created out of nothing to prop up failing foreign banks in the EU, some European countries are preparing for the possible implosion and abandonment of the Euro: Germany has now joined the club and started to print Deutschmarks again, though they haven’t been issued yet. (49 minutes)

• More than 70,000 people have dropped GoDaddy as their domain and Web hosting provider because that company supports the government’s misnamed SOPA (“Stop Online Piracy Act”) and PIPA (“Protect Intellectual Property Act”), which are just censorship power grabs under innocent-sounding names. (53 minutes)

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