Liberty Net: May 19, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SELDOM DOES ONE get a chance to directly participate in significant dialogue and debate about the future of our civilization with truly aware and articulate men and women in today’s world. Most every “public debate” is carefully and expertly controlled to prevent you from thinking along channels not approved in advance by the oligarchs. But the weekly uncensored Liberty Net is a shining exception.

Listen: Liberty Net 5/19″]

Here are some of the ideas brought forth during this week’s session:

• The demise of Eastman Kodak — what is left of its corpse is now firmly in Chinese hands — is symptomatic of the looting of American manufacturing assets by Wall Street, usurers, and foreign interests. (8 minutes)

• Vic, W1WCR, the Net Control Station for the Liberty Net, was a regular correspondent of radio innovator Harold Beverage, who not only heard the Titanic’s distress call 100 years ago and invented the Beverage antenna, but whose ability to mathematically analyze antenna systems in the days before computers was nothing short of amazing. (10 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 12, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THERE IS quite a range of opinion — and debate — on the weekly Liberty Net, and in many ways it can be regarded as a confluence, even a synthesis, of the best ideas from all sides of the political spectrum. To me the most interesting trend is the increasing recognition that the regime in Washington is an outlaw, illegal regime and is not the legitimate successor to the government set up by the Founders.

Listen: Liberty Net 5/12″]

Here are some of the ideas brought to light during this week’s Liberty Net:

• Why are 26 states contracting with a Soros-owned company in Spain to tally the votes in their elections — especially with Soros’ reputation for interfering with elections around the world? (9 minutes)

• When you hear a politician blathering about how we must “soak the rich,” you can be sure that the politician is working for the super rich — who definitely don’t like competition, and use the politics of envy to cripple any mid-level wealthy families and prevent them from rising to their level. (19 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 5, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

EVEN THE MUCH-TOUTED revolution-making social media like Facebook are, tragically, increasingly censored by “gatekeepers” who want to stifle the discussion of certain “forbidden” topics. That’s why it’s important to support multiple platforms for free speech and dissent — and one of the premier and longstanding forums for free speech is amateur radio’s Liberty Net, on the air since 1974.

Listen: Liberty Net 5/5″]

Here are some of the ideas introduced and debated during this week’s session:

• Are recent calls to “restore tribal lands” to Amerindians just a sucker play by elitists to balkanize America? It’s interesting to note, though, that some White American patriots look with favor on the declaration of independence of the Lakotah people, since they believe that anything that reduces the power of the regime in Washington is a good thing — and increases the chances for us to regain our independence, too. (20 minutes)

• Increasingly, local sheriffs are standing up to the Washington regime and protecting local citizens — and their constitutional rights — from federal tyranny. One Liberty Net participant suggests that these sheriffs deputize several thousand people in every county to form a strong, almost unchallengeable, pro-freedom force. (41 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 28, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

DESPITE THE FALLING of a large tree on Marty, N2IRJ’s Beverage receiving antenna, repairs were made in good time and the antenna was up and running fast, and served the net and the phone patch participants well. Next week, a new alternate N2IRJ transmitting antenna will be put into service!

Since 1974, the Liberty Net has been the place for independent-thinking radio amateurs to congregate and share ideas. It’s on every Saturday night at 10PM, somewhere in the upper 50 kHz of the 75 meter ’phone band.

Listen: Liberty Net 4/28″]

Here are some of the ideas introduced and debated during this week’s session:

• One name to watch in European politics is France’s Marine Le Pen, who has revitalized the anti-banker, pro-freedom, and pro-self-determination forces there. Some call her the “Ron Paul of France.” (18 minutes)

• Good news department: When an agent of the regime’s “Food and Drug Administration” tried to prevent an Amish farmer from selling his milk in Indiana recently, the local sheriff stated that the agent had better stay away from the farmer and his property — or face arrest. In Texas, another patriotic sheriff stated that federal agents would be arrested if they seized guns for any reason from citizens of his county. (35 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 21, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE MAGIC OF HF radio is much in evidence during every session of the venerable Liberty Net — on the air since 1974. Friendships that last decades are made here. Personal lives are made better by the caring and the knowledge shared. And wit and humor, as well as real education you can’t get anywhere else, are much in evidence. No wonder hundreds of people download and listen to the net recordings every week.

Listen: Liberty Net 4/21″]

Here are some of the topics talked about and debated on this week’s Liberty Net:

• A bill which would establish concentration-style FEMA camps on US military bases — with a massive potential population — is being justified by reference to the “unrest” in Greece, where the people are in open revolt against the bankers. (22 minutes)

• If America is basically broke, and if weapons of mass destruction in the Mideast are a bad thing, why are American taxpayers providing and massively funding Israel’s WMDs? (26 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 14, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

IS THERE ANY amateur radio net that is even remotely comparable to the Liberty Net? If so, I’d like to hear about it! Every week — 1,976 weeks and counting — the net offers an uncensored forum for thinking amateurs to discuss and debate the issues of the day, without any interference from the “gatekeepers” of the controlled media.

Listen: Liberty Net 4/14″]

Here are some of the thoughts expressed during this week’s session of the net:

• Why do so many controlled media outlets consistently refer to George Zimmerman as White, when he clearly is not? Are they consciously trying to stir up Black-on-White conflict? In the recent Tulsa shootings, they’re doing the same thing: One of the alleged shooters is constantly referred to as White, but is definitely an Amerindian. (10 minutes)

• Why is it that, at the very moment when newly-impoverished Americans are finding it hard to maintain their home ownership, the elites are now talking about the purposeful depopulation and “re-wilding” of the Midwest? (30 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 7, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

DO YOU HAVE an idea that you’d like to share with other intelligent, thoughtful radio amateurs in a free, uncensored setting? Why not check in to the Liberty Net? If you can’t check in because you’re temporarily off the air, send a message to us via the contact form at and we’ll pass it along to Marty, N2IRJ, who runs a lively phone patch during the net each week.

Listen: Liberty Net 4/7″]

Here are some of the interesting ideas brought up during this week’s session of the net:

• Obama’s press secretary Jay Carney recently explained that what many people see as lies, evasions, and perjury by the regime’s figurehead are simply his “speaking in shorthand,” adding that, after all, “he is a law professor.” (24 minutes)

• Sanford, Florida, where the George Zimmerman – Trayvon Martin altercation occurred, is a very “diverse” place which is listed in the bottom three per cent. of places to live based on safety.  (27 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 17, 2010

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET is one place on the radio dial where there are no government or commercial “gatekeepers” — and it’s a place where thoughtful and intelligent people are drawn — and therefore it’s one of the most informative and thought-provoking information sources anywhere.

Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded July 17″]

Here are a few of this week’s topics:

• New York governor Patterson is apparently under attack by evil forces, because he’s decided to wear a “Kabballah bracelet” to ward them off. (The “Kabballah” is a form of medieval Jewish witchcraft that is enjoying a renaissance among the thoughtlessly trendy.) (38 minutes)

• Some prankster has arranged it so that if you enter “illuminati” spelled backwards, and add dot com, into your Internet browser, you will be redirected to the Web site of the National Security Agency. (42 minutes)

• Barack Obama is not an idiot, no matter how harmful his policies appear to be to his constituency: He is the quintessential blackmailable front man for the money power, with a “minority” cachet to provide a means to dehumanize any serious critics as “racists.” In this role he performs brilliantly. (1 hour 9 minutes)

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