by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
THERE WERE some propagation anomalies that affected the Liberty Net this week, but check-ins these days are from so many different areas that the conversation and debate is always vibrant — whether the skip is short or long.
[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%204h%2048m%2000s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded August 7″]
Here are just a few of the topics discussed on the Liberty Net this week:
• A recent viral email presents the stark difference between thriving, civilized Detroit and A-bomb-devastated Hiroshima 65 years ago — and today’s thriving, beautiful Hiroshima and African-devastated Detroit. See and particularly (38 minutes)
• In an under-reported environmental disaster, a bizarre extreme cold front has caused large numbers of wildlife deaths in Argentina and Bolivia. (1 hour 17 minutes)