Liberty Net: January 16, 2016

Liberty-Net---glowing-KT88-tubesby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

AS HALF of North America is blanketed with a thick coat of freezing snow, there is no better time to gather in our warm radio rooms and communicate with like-minded free thinkers all across the continent on one of the first electronic social networks ever developed — the Liberty Net, going strong since 1974.

Listen: Liberty Net 1/16″]

Here’s my summary of, and commentary on, some of the subjects discussed on the net this week:

• Poorly-informed patriots are often heard to say things like “2016 will be the year that elections are canceled by Obama” or “this year the New World Order will finally take away our freedom.” These statements are more than a bit bizarre in the light of the fact that 1) our most important freedoms have already been taken away from us and 2) mass democratic elections, always dominated by the unintelligent and easily-fooled majority, are the way the oligarchs control us — and so their cancellation would be nothing to bewail. (19 minutes)

• Another famous and long-running American brand has been sold to China — this time it’s General Electric appliances. So-called “free trade” is a way of increasing the wealth of the oligarchs at the expense of our own working people. (30 minutes)

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Liberty Net: August 25, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE TWO PARTIES RUN by one claque of oligarchs have nothing at all to say that’s worth hearing, but they do make a great deal of noise this time of year. In contrast, the free thinkers on the Liberty Net are not beholden to the corrupt System, are unafraid to “tell it like it is,” and are often very much worth listening to.

Listen: Liberty Net 8/25″]

Here’s just a fraction of the ideas discussed and debated on the Liberty Net this week:

• Why is the Republican party leadership throwing Todd Akin under the bus and attacking him with such vehemence? It simply can’t be his ill-informed misstatement about rape and pregnancy (for which he has apologized), since others who have said — and done — far worse have simply been ignored. What hidden agenda is driving the chief prostitutes’ extremely hostile behavior? (21 minutes)

• More than 358 people have been shot dead on the streets of Third World Chicago so far this year (19 on one recent day alone), but to the billionaire-controlled media this isn’t a major story. Why? Because they want America to become even more Third World — and less White — than it already is. (38 minutes)

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Liberty Net: August 4, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

AFTER SEVERAL WEEKS of absence due to a power supply failure and subsequent parts requisition and repair, N2IRJ was finally able to rejoin the Liberty Net this week. Welcome back, Marty! Special thanks to Al, N2SAG, for his extra effort in keeping the conversation lively and on a high level despite the absence of Marty and the phone patch callers.

Listen: Liberty Net 8/4″]

Here’s a small sampling the many subjects brought up during this week’s Liberty Net:

• Up until recently, solar energy has required a prohibitively high investment. But subsidies have brought the costs down, and the payback time is now much shorter. Whether we approve of subsidies or not, it is a fact that those who take the plunge also greatly increase their independence. This week WD8PAV was the first high-power check-in to the Liberty Net using power obtained entirely from solar panels. (38 minutes)

• Cass Sunstein, who advocated creating a sort of “Ministry of Truth” to censor the Internet and specifically to punish writers who questioned the official 9/11 narrative, is leaving his position with the Washington regime. His replacement has Soros connections. (1 hour 8 minutes)

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Liberty Net: March 31, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

IONOSPHERIC CONDITIONS were turbulent and static levels were Summer-like in their intensity this week, but the efficient antennas of the Liberty Net’s keystone stations made the dialogue as interesting and lively as ever. On the air since 1974, the Liberty Net is amateur radio’s oldest current events discussion net.

Listen: Liberty Net 3/31″]

Here are some of the issues discussed and debated during this week’s Liberty Net:

• The Africanization of American life is reaching Idiocratic proportions: Illinois state representative Bobby Rush recently wore a “hoodie” to the legislative chamber and complained loudly about the shooting of Trayvon Martin in faraway Florida, while at the same time there were some 13 shootings in his own district, with two confirmed dead so far. (18 minutes)

• A young White boy in Missouri was recently attacked by a gang of Black thugs who poured gasoline on him and set him afire, all the while screaming racial abuse at him. Yet we hear nothing from Obama, nothing from Eric Holder, and nothing from the billionaires’ media on that crime. (25 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 28, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET has been through several transitions, from its early days in the 70s, through the dawning of the Internet and digital recording, and now enhanced through full integration with VoIP and Web 2.0 technology. These additions let amateur operators who are temporarily off the air participate, and the online streaming and archived recordings make the net almost impervious to jamming.

Listen: Liberty Net 1/28″]

Here’s a sample of what you’ll hear on this week’s Liberty Net recording:

• A court in Georgia has ordered the current occupant of the White House to appear and answer questions about his qualifications to serve as President. Obama, however, has brazenly flouted the order, saying through his mouthpiece that he was “terminating his participation in this proceeding.” (23 minutes)

• A textual analysis of the latest State of the Union address indicates that it was written to match an 8th grade level of comprehension. (26 minutes)

• Google’s new “privacy policy” really amounts to a “tracking and spying policy,” and with Google’s history of cooperating with the Beijing and Washington regimes, it gives one pause to consider cancelling all Google and Google-related accounts like Gmail, Blogger, and YouTube. (41 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 21, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

2012 is beginning as a real growth year for the Liberty Net, as the number of check-ins and the length of the weekly sessions keep growing. Always remember that my summaries here can only barely touch on the subject matter brought up — and give only a hint of the honest and heart-felt way it is presented.

Listen: Liberty Net 1/21″]

Here’s a small selection of what you can hear on our latest recording:

• Iceland refused to bail out the banksters and was threatened with severe retaliation. So far, there’s been no severe effect and business is quite good in that plucky, independence-loving nation. (10 minutes)

• The most fraudulent holiday with the phoniest “hero” ever vended to us by the regime has got to be “Martin Luther King Day.” See for more details. (17 minutes)

• The regime is spending $1.6 million to restore six “Chicano murals” in San Diego which promote the takeover of California by Communists and Mestizos. Ostensibly, this project is “enhancing the transportation infrastructure” of the region. (21 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 14, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

IT’S NOT ALWAYS EASY to find a clear frequency for the Liberty Net, but one thing you’ll notice is that our net is one of the very few that does not merely fire up on an accustomed frequency, but instead is frequency-flexible. That means you’ll have to search for us — almost always between 3950 and 3990 kHz LSB — but W1WCR’s signal is strong and distinctive, so we shouldn’t be too hard to find.

Listen: Liberty Net 1/14″]

Here’s a small sample of what you’ll hear on our latest recording:

• Be prepared for even more inflation as the Fed, and the banks that control it, start more “quantitative easing” under the banner of “QE3” — meaning that the oligarchs will get trillions in free money, while the people hold fewer and fewer dollars, each of which is rapidly dropping in value. (14 minutes)

• More and more companies, though nominally “private corporations,” have in reality become creatures of the banks because of the mountains of debt that have been loaded upon them by corporate raiders. (22 minutes)

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Liberty Net: January 7, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SOMETIMES OUR CONVERSATIONS, both on and off amateur radio, seem like a vast wasteland of empty chatter, small talk, and gossip — but that can’t be said of the conversations on the historic Liberty Net. Some of the most aware and articulate people I’ve ever known are regulars there. Taking part in Liberty Net conversations is a direct connection to bright minds and new perspectives — perspectives that often are suppressed or vilified by the billionaires’ media.

Listen: Liberty Net 1/7″]

Here’s a small sample of what you’ll hear on our latest recording:

• The protests aren’t just on Wall Street: In Israel — on Rothschild Boulevard, no less — one of the protestors against the financial oligarchs, many of whom have connections to that country, actually erected a guillotine. (18 minutes)

• Only 13 senators had the courage to vote against the outrageously illegal so-called “National Defense Authorization Act” (NDAA), which strips us of our most fundamental constitutional rights. There is a patriotic movement afoot to have the 86 who voted for it removed from office. (22 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 2, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THERE IS MORE social and economic wisdom in a single session of the Liberty Net than can be found in a year’s worth of commercial television, as was amply proved this week. Our lack of independence on Independence Day was noted and deplored, but many creative ideas for restoring our freedom and self-determination were brought out and debated.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%205h%2011m%2000s%20%20%20Start%203980%20%20End%203980%20kHz%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ+.mp3″ text=”Listen: Liberty Net 7/2″]

Here’s a brief summary of some of the topics covered this time on amateur radio’s longest-running discussion net:

• Isn’t it interesting that, prior to the recent invasion of Libya and Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s legal troubles, Strauss-Kahn had met with Qaddafi to discuss changes in the world’s monetary system? (34 minutes)

• Isn’t it also interesting that the woman who replaced Strauss-Kahn at the IMF has direct connections to Goldman Sachs and to the Chicago mafia that groomed Barack Obama for high office? (42 minutes)

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Liberty Net: May 21, 2011

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

ROLLING THUNDERSTORM static that never seemed to stop inhibited early check-ins on this week’s Liberty Net, but the noise eventually subsided — and the conversation and exchange of information accelerated — as the evening progressed. When high noise conditions prevail, the extra few dB from an amplifier and a high, efficient antenna really make a difference.

Listen: Liberty Net 5/21″]

Here are just a few of the topics discussed and debated this time on amateur radio’s most exciting net:

• Obama has brazenly ignored the War Powers Act — the very law he invoked to legitimize his invasion of Libya. And now that the 60-day deadline for getting Congressional approval has passed, that invasion is illegal by any standards. (13 minutes)

• Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s rape and sodomy charges may be the least of his worries: Apparently the Black African woman he allegedly raped lives in an apartment set aside exclusively for tenants who are infected with HIV. (21 minutes)

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