Liberty Net for Week of May 1-8

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE WEEKLY Liberty Net was on the air in fine style this week, with lots of debate and controversy over politics, finance, the invasion of America on its southern border, and the malicious use to which the tragic oil spill might be put by foreign forces determined to keep America militarily engaged in the Middle East.

Listen to or download the Liberty Net recorded May 1, 2010″]

Here are some of the topics discussed on the Liberty Net recorded by N2IRJ on May 1st:

• Has John McCain been replaced by a well-groomed look-alike while the real McCain vacations in Fiji? (1 hour 3 minutes)

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Liberty Net for Week of April 17-24

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

LATELY there’s been some real disagreement and debate on the Liberty Net, the longest-running discussion net in Amateur Radio history. Some participants believe that virtually all politicians are liars and totally corrupt servants of the moneyed oligarchs, except perhaps for a tiny number of right-libertarians like Ron and Rand Paul, and populists like James Traficant and Eliot Spitzer. Other “Liberty Netters” believe that the only exceptions to criminal politicians can be found in left-progressives like Dennis Kucinich and the late Ted Kennedy. Is this conflict resolvable? The two sides also have diametrically opposed views on the Tea Party movement. Will patriots who oppose the oligarchs ever come to a consensus? I don’t know, but the free speech and cross-fertilization of ideas are bracing and thought-provoking.

Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

Here are some of the highlights of this week’s Net:

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Liberty Net for Week of April 10-17

Our ancestors sought to "secure the blessings of Liberty" for their descendants. They did not have the illusion, common today, that widely divergent peoples could practice, desire, or even understand freedom.

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

PROPAGATION for this week’s Liberty Net began well but went very long later in the evening, making some normally big signals fade — but N2IRJ’s low-noise antenna brought most participants’ signals in with good intelligibility nevertheless. The Liberty Net — one of the oldest and certainly the most exciting net in amateur radio — is on the air every Saturday night at 10PM Eastern Time on (or near, within roughly 10 kHz) 3950 kHz.

Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

Here is just a tiny sample of the highlights from this week’s edition of the longest-running discussion net in amateur radio:

• Was the entire Polish government killed because they weren’t going along with the New World Order boys? (6 minutes)

• Obama was soundly booed when he threw baseball’s ceremonial “first pitch” this week. (21 minutes)

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Liberty Net for Week of April 3-10

The authors of the Constitution fought "To secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity" -- in other words to our own descendants, our own people, our own race.

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE EASTER WEEK Liberty Net was a session full of cheer, friendship, sharing (of both good spirits and information), and camaraderie in the face of some intentional interference. This venerable net is on the air every Saturday night at 10PM Eastern Time on (or near, within about 10 kHz) 3950 kHz SSB.

Here is just a tiny selection of highlights from this week’s Liberty Net, brought to you by Net Control Station (NCS) W1WCR. The times indicated are from the beginning of the recording:

Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

• When you have a country with bad demographics, you will inevitably have bad politicians. This is always the downfall of democracy. (13 minutes)

• Should an IQ test be mandated for anyone who wants to run for Congress? (14 minutes)

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Liberty Net for Week of March 27 – April 3

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

A WIDE range of viewpoints emerged on the Liberty Net this session, and it’s no longer possible to classify the Net as either of the “left” or the “right.” Critics of the oligarchy come from far more than one perspective.

The Liberty Net is on the air every Saturday night at 10PM Eastern Time on — or near, usually within 10 kHz or less — 3950 kHz SSB.

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Liberty Net for Week of March 20-27

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY NET for this week was characterized by mostly good propagation and some of the most impassioned discussions heard this year.

There was some intentional interference, but nothing that significantly hampered communications. The Liberty Net is on the air every Saturday night at 10PM Eastern Time on or near (within 10 kHz or so) 3950 kHz.

Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

Here is just a small sampling of highlights from this week’s edition of the longest-running discussion net in amateur radio:

• There’s a reference to the Liberty Net’s “listeners in Ft. Meade, Maryland,” (location of the so-called National Security Agency) as one station opines that Net participants are the modern-day equivalents of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. (14 minutes)

• Many AM stations — both amateur and broadcast — have quite good audio fidelity. (18 minutes)

• Why is Texas threatening to write Thomas Jefferson out of its history textbooks? (25 minutes)

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Liberty Net for Week of March 13-20

An early American allegorical engraving, showing Justice personified as a goddess recording the voice of the people guided by light, liberty, and truth. It is a particularly apt symbol for the Liberty Net.

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

JUST BEFORE this week’s Liberty Net, a very unusual wind storm in New Jersey — characterized by brief but extremely powerful “micro-gusts” of wind — caused extensive damage and protracted power loss; but N2IRJ’s generator saved the day, and the Net was able to be recorded as usual.

[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%205h%2014m%2000s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

Here are a few of the highlights:

• The post-storm power situation in Jackson, New Jersey was so bad that the police resorted to robo-calls to, apparently, all citizens, to let them know about the situation. (6 minutes)

• The American Family Association (AFA) has made the bizarre demand that the orca that killed a trainer at Sea World should be “stoned to death” in accordance with “scripture.” (27 minutes)

• An activist going by the name of “Splitting the Sky” attempted to make a citizen’s arrest of George W. Bush for war crimes when the latter crossed into Canada. (29 minutes)

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Liberty Net for Week of February 6-13

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THIS WEEK the longest-running current events discussion net on Amateur Radio, the weekly Liberty Net, took place on its 3950 kHz LSB nominal frequency — though most weeks, interference, some of it intentional, forces the Net to be frequency-agile, usually within 10 kHz or less. Here are a few highlights from the free-swinging discussions that took place:

Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

• Obama has now publicly stated that Americans “should not be questioning” his citizenship. (25 minutes)

• Armed Haitian gangs continue to terrorize the island, including one attack on a UN aid convoy. Similar attacks take place regularly in sub-Saharan Africa and in areas of the U.S. where Haitians have immigrated in significant numbers. Also, cock-fighting and Voodoo remain strong presences on the island, as is the folk belief in the “Loup garou,” the possessed who kidnap and eat children; many accused of being “Loup garous” have been killed. (In France, the “Loup garou” is an old myth, like vampires are to us — but millions of Haitians not only believe in such things, but kill to “protect themselves” from them.) (27 minutes)

• Why did the power structure which got the boobs whipped up to pull the levers for Obama pick such a person, whose background and even citizenship is highly questionable? Answer: he is blackmailable. The power structure always wants a back-door way to get rid of its puppets in case they get out of control, and Obama is no exception. (52 minutes)

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Liberty Net for Week of January 2-8

The Liberty Netby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE FIRST SESSION this year of the weekly current events discussion Liberty Net on 75 meters was a big success and more thought-provoking than ever.

It looks like Net Control Station (NCS) W1WCR and company may well have the biggest year in the three-decade-plus history of the Net.

Here is a small sampling from the topics covered in this week’s discussions, along with the time when they took place (from the beginning of the recording in hours and minutes):

Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

• There is no significant difference between Democrats and Republicans and the sooner Americans realize this the better. (33 minutes)

• Are you looking for a new political party? Perhaps White Americans should consider the Black Panther Party — substituting “White” for “Black” in their historic platform produces a most appealing document, proving that the desire for freedom and self-determination is universal. (39 minutes)

• The economic crash and “bailout” is really the looting of America: It wasn’t loans to low-income folks that crashed the economy. (45 minutes)

• What we really have is finance capitalism for most of us and socialism for the super-rich. America can rightfully be called the “billionaire bailout society.” (53 minutes)

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