by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO
DESPITE SUMMERTIME STATIC at the highest levels we’ve seen this season, and despite the temporary loss of the N2IRJ phone patch (Marty is repairing his transceiver’s power supply as I type), the Liberty Net had numerous new check-ins and extremely interesting discussions this week.
Listen: Liberty Net 7/28″]
Here’s a small selection from the many ideas brought forward during this week’s Liberty Net:
• Many people are saying that being forced to choose between Mitt Rob-me and Fetchit is a matter of picking the lesser of two evils. But is it really better to pick the “less evil” and hope that a smaller amount of damage will be done? Isn’t it better to let the more obvious evil reign so that no one will be lulled into complacency that “things are getting better” — and to ensure that more and more people will be radicalized and build an overwhelming consensus for revolution? (14 minutes)
• We have a system in which politicians are buying votes with stolen wealth and charging the bill to the future. The fact that we have a degraded electorate that can’t figure that out, and reject it, illustrates the total failure of one-man one-vote mass democracy, which isn’t what the founders intended anyway. (35 minutes)