Liberty Net: April 23, 2016

Liberty-Net---radio_daysby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

JUST LOOK at a map of Europe and compare it to a map of Asia and it is easy to see that White people are more individualistic and less united than Asians — the countries in Europe are smaller; the national groups are both more numerous and more fractured. With the immigration invasion and the Jewish threat, though, it’s about time for Whites — from Madrid to Moscow, from Rapallo to Reykjavik, and beyond — to become much more united.

Listen: Liberty Net 4/23″]

Here’s my selection of ideas and issues from among those discussed on this week’s Liberty Net, along with my take on them:

• Ever hear of “virtue signaling”? It’s a type of cuckery that self-hating White people do. It can involve adopting Black children or non-White cultural practices or supporting anti-White political causes — all as a means of showing how “good” they are according to the Jewish-created inverted morality they have internalized. And it’s not just left-wingers or liberals who do this: A lunatic “anti-racist” White evangelical fundamentalist couple recently implanted Black embryo triplets in the wife’s womb. (31 minutes)

• Some analysts are now saying that Trump has gained the support of a behind-the-scenes anti-neocon coalition of military and intelligence officers who are sick of America’s endless wars for Israel. (51 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 16, 2016

Liberty-Net---streaming-radio-playerby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

HERE COMES the thunderstorm static as warm weather spreads across the continent — so make sure that your antenna is efficient and that you have the ability to run plenty of power to get through when necessary!

Listen: Liberty Net 4/16″]

Here’s my choice from among the topics discussed on this week’s Liberty Net, along with my comments:

• Saudi Arabia is threatening to dump its substantial US dollar and US securities investments on the market if a certain bill passes that would initiate a serious investigation of that country’s role in the 9/11 attacks. Such a dumping might have a beneficial effect in the long term, since pension funds and others would be able to buy up high quality securities for pennies on the dollar in the short term. (18 minutes)

• One reason for the fanatical establishment opposition to Trump may be the candidate’s promise to hold a new and more honest investigation into 9/11. (43 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 9, 2016

kas_pictureby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO (pictured)

FOR NEW participants, here’s a brief discussion of how to operate on the Liberty Net: Ours is a directed net, meaning that all stations should check in with the Net Control Station (NCS), giving your call sign, name, and location when the net opens. The NCS may say hello, but his main function is just to compile a list of check-ins at this time. He’ll put your call on his list in the order received and, when it’s your turn, you will be called and given an opportunity to make remarks to the net. If the NCS has questions or comments about what you said, he may engage you in some interchanges before he turns it over to the next station on the list. If a lot of stations check in and have long comments, it may take an hour or so for the first round to be completed. Usually late check-ins are called for before the second and third rounds start. Usually, after three rounds or so, the Roundtable Mode is invoked (which starts check-ins anew). The Roundtable Mode is a little less formal: There are more interchanges and, though it starts with a list, eventually stations may start to talk to each other break-in style.

Listen: Liberty Net 4/9″]

Here’s my selection from among the topics discussed on this week’s net, along with my comments:

• Did you know that George Soros money is being used to hire violent “protestors” to shut down, and create incidents at, Donald Trump rallies? They’re even advertising on Craigslist for ne’er-do-wells to sign up. Shades of the oligarchs’ phony “revolution” in Ukraine. (6 minutes)

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Liberty Net: April 2, 2016

Liberty-Net---Infundibulumby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

IF YOU can’t get enough of the Liberty Net, remember it’s on Wednesday nights at ten in addition to our regular Saturday Night session. So check in this Wednesday and say your piece! And don’t forget the Survival Net, too, where practical tips on personal, family, and community survival during hard times are shared freely on Sunday nights.

Listen: Liberty Net 4/2″]

Here’s my choice from among the items discussed on this week’s net, along with my remarks:

• How low have we fallen when the endorsement of a treasonous serial rapist and criminal like Bill Clinton is considered an asset in a political campaign? (28 minutes)

• As if Third World Detroit didn’t have enough problems already, several school administrators have been caught taking bribes and kickbacks and arranging for rake-offs on school supply deliveries. Third World genes guarantee Third World behavior. (35 minutes)

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Liberty Net: March 26, 2016

round_love_closeup_MP_20150416_3095by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THIS WEEK Marty, N2IRJ, a long-time Liberty Net participant, lost his beloved pet Round Love (pictured), a rare Brahma rooster who wandered into the N2IRJ antenna field more than a year ago during frigid Winter weather. Round Love’s feet were severely damaged by frostbite, but Marty and his wife Laura, N2JTT, nursed the friendly, inquisitive creature back to excellent health; fed, sheltered, and took care of him — he spent his days outside but slept in their foyer — and had more than a year of companionship with him before he died.

The French writer Anatole France put it well: “Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

In honor of Round Love, his voice can be heard between net recordings on the stream all this week and next. We’ll also put a recording of him up in our Liberty Net recordings list.

Listen: Liberty Net 3/26″]

Here’s my selection of just a few of the ideas on this week’s net, along with my remarks:

• Huge numbers of dentists, facing totally botched or missing reimbursement from the Obamacare nightmare/monopoly, are in a dilemma: turn away hundreds of patients who really need care, or go out of business. (8 minutes)

• The gun-grabbers now want carte blanche to seize your medical records, so they can examine them (I guess they never heard the word “privacy”) and look for any possible reason, no matter how small or inaccurate, to deny you your Second Amendment rights. (11 minutes)

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Liberty Net: March 19, 2016

Liberty-Net---audio-rackby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE REPAIRS at WB4AIO were successful and it was fun to check in to the Midweek Liberty Net this week! Remember that there are two other nets besides the flagship 10PM Liberty Net on Saturday night: the Midweek Liberty Net at 10PM Wednesdays and the Survival Net at 10PM Sundays.

Listen: Liberty Net 3/19″]

Here’s a short selection of some of the topics that were raised during this session of the Liberty Net, along with my commentary:

• Tens of thousands of “migrants” have been stopped in Greece, and, if the patriots there have any say in the matter, they will soon be dispatched out of Europe and into Turkey. The most important issue here is not religion or rape or the economy or “refugees” but the preservation of the White race in Europe. (24 minutes) Continue Reading →

Liberty Net: March 12, 2016

Liberty-Net---crowd-and-microphoneby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

REPAIR of my station this week caused this article to be late this week, and for that I apologize. Activity on the Liberty Net (and associated Survival Net) is at a high level, with many new stations contributing for the first time ever. Welcome to all new check-ins!

Listen: Liberty Net 3/12″]

Here’s a short selection of just a few of the ideas from this week’s net session, along with my commentary:

• As the hysterical reaction against Trump shows us, nearly all Republican office-holders are RINOs (“Republicans in Name Only”). So perhaps there is no such thing as a “true Republican” after all. (23 minutes)

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Liberty Net: March 5, 2016

Liberty-Net---sea-towerby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

NOW THAT Spring is looming on the horizon, we need to be aware that thunderstorm-related static will soon be a major factor on the 75 meter band — making the signal-to-noise ratio much worse than in wintertime. So this is a good time to improve your antenna system and make it maximally effective, especially since the year’s most pleasant weather for working outdoors will soon be at hand.

Listen: Liberty Net 3/5″]

Here’s a short selection of just a few of the topics from this week’s net along with my commentary:

• The SAT test in the US has now been dumbed down even further by eliminating the vocabulary section and the writing sample section. Why? Because it’s “too difficult for today’s high school students” (meaning Blacks and non-White Third World immigrants). So the SAT “numbers” will stay the same or perhaps even get “better” — while in reality the students are becoming less intelligent and less well-educated. Pretending, however, does not invent spacecraft or solve social problems. Such is the way that civilizations fall. (14 minutes)

• A Virginia school system recently required students to view a film on “racial discourse” which was an undisguised propaganda piece designed to induce guilt and low self-esteem in White students. A hopeful sign is that White parents were so outraged that the school district was forced to stop using the film. (16 minutes)

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Liberty Net: February 27, 2016

Liberty-Net---radio-wavesby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THE LIBERTY Net is amateur radio’s longest-running current events discussion net, on the air since 1974. We have a few participants who have been taking part for decades, and every week there are first-timers too. Why not visit us this week and check in?

Listen: Liberty Net 2/27″]

Here is my take on a few of the subjects discussed and debated on the net this week:

• There’s at least one good thing about the election season — it sets up millions of people for total disillusionment when their “heroes” turn out to be cynical liars or money-puppets or both. And a good dose of disillusionment can lead to healthy radicalization. (48 minutes)

• It’s hard to believe that anyone could work up any enthusiasm whatsoever for dead-fish Israel-lobby-owned phony-religious-nut Ted Cruz. (52 minutes)

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Liberty Net: February 20, 2016

Liberty-Net---telephone-operatorby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SOME social networks are bigger — but none are better or more direct and personal than amateur radio’s Liberty Net, now in its 42nd year of serving the public interest.

Listen: Liberty Net 2/20″]

Here is my take on a few of the topics that were brought up this week:

• Many of the buzzy interfering noises you hear all over the HF spectrum are coming from plasma televisions, especially those manufactured by Samsung. The corrupt Washington regime made a sweetheart deal with foreign industry to allow such interference generators into the country, and the regime’s FCC is extremely reluctant to take any action to shut them down, even when their own technicians and engineers confirm the presence of their severe interference to the amateur service. (20 minutes)

• The real question is not why Hillary Clinton is still a candidate for president — it is why she has not been arrested for treason (along with most of the Washington establishment). (35 minutes)

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