Liberty Net: October 1, 2016

liberty-net-annapolis-radio-towersby Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

IT LOOKS like the solar storm has abated at almost the same moment that a terrestrial storm is hitting the Carolinas very hard. Always be aware that emergency transmissions have priority — so be listening for them and stand by, or help if you can, when they appear. It’s also a good time to consider hardening your shack and antenna installations so that they can continue to function even under severe weather conditions.

Listen: Liberty Net 10/1″]

Here are a few of the issues mentioned on the net this week, along with my take on them:

• Since the horrible billionaire-written turkey called Obamacare was launched, no fewer than 17 insurance co-ops have failed, and the state “exchanges” are all in trouble too, if we can believe their own words. (16 minutes)

• All of North America is being flooded with an unprecedented flood of non-White invaders, many of them Muslim. But the impetus for this has nothing to do with religion: The corporate kleptocrats want more cheap labor from whatever source, and the super-rich Jews want to exterminate the White race. (33 minutes)

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Liberty Net: March 26, 2016

round_love_closeup_MP_20150416_3095by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THIS WEEK Marty, N2IRJ, a long-time Liberty Net participant, lost his beloved pet Round Love (pictured), a rare Brahma rooster who wandered into the N2IRJ antenna field more than a year ago during frigid Winter weather. Round Love’s feet were severely damaged by frostbite, but Marty and his wife Laura, N2JTT, nursed the friendly, inquisitive creature back to excellent health; fed, sheltered, and took care of him — he spent his days outside but slept in their foyer — and had more than a year of companionship with him before he died.

The French writer Anatole France put it well: “Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

In honor of Round Love, his voice can be heard between net recordings on the stream all this week and next. We’ll also put a recording of him up in our Liberty Net recordings list.

Listen: Liberty Net 3/26″]

Here’s my selection of just a few of the ideas on this week’s net, along with my remarks:

• Huge numbers of dentists, facing totally botched or missing reimbursement from the Obamacare nightmare/monopoly, are in a dilemma: turn away hundreds of patients who really need care, or go out of business. (8 minutes)

• The gun-grabbers now want carte blanche to seize your medical records, so they can examine them (I guess they never heard the word “privacy”) and look for any possible reason, no matter how small or inaccurate, to deny you your Second Amendment rights. (11 minutes)

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Liberty Net: August 10, 2013


by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

SUPPORTING THE LIBERTY NET is one of the main purposes of this Web site, and the hosting and streaming servers and interactive discussion servers we use are not free. We don’t make any money at this at all, and our rates just went up significantly — so, if you have benefited from, why not consider a small donation to support our efforts? Just click on

Listen: Liberty Net 8/10″]

Here are just a few of the concepts put forth on the Liberty Net this time:

• More and more people and businesses are locating their servers and data outside of the United States, especially in countries known for their lack of “cooperation” with the Washington regime. Thanks, DC, for trashing a multibillion-dollar industry! (14 minutes)

• Even many of those who supported Obamacare are having second thoughts now that they see it as the naked federal/corporate power grab that it is. Those who want total power over our lives have now floated the idea of outlawing charity hospitals and cash-for-service doctors because they evade their net of absolute control. (21 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 14, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

MURPHY’S LAW May be part of the inherent structure of reality, and it impacts radio stations as much as it does anything. Murphy struck N2IRJ this week, causing a shorted power supply transistor, so the phone patch was off the air — but the over-the-air participation was high, especially for a Summer session, and the Liberty Net discussions continued at a high level.

Listen: Liberty Net 7/14″]

Here are just a few of the topics introduced for discussion and debate during this week’s session of the net:

• The oligarchs and their pet legislators are trying hard to push ratification of a treaty that would ban private ownership of firearms, in an effort to nullify the Second Amendment. Remember, these folks are the same people who have spent multiple millions to arm Mexican drug cartels and Israeli murder squads, so they’re not at all against violence. What they are against is your ability to defend yourself from tyranny. (16 minutes)

• Several thinkers have come out with innovative ideas to liberate us from legislative tyranny: jury nullification, the citizen’s veto, and the right of individuals to opt out of the regime’s “programs” and pretended laws. (39 minutes)

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Liberty Net: July 7, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

NEITHER SOLAR FLARES nor power surges, nor anything that the enemies of free speech have attempted, have stopped — or even put a crimp in the style of — the Liberty Net. The net has been on the air, serving the public interest, and expanding minds since 1974.

Listen: Liberty Net 7/7″]

Here are just a few of the things that were discussed during this week’s session of the net:

• Now that the money-manipulators and criminal politicians have dug a deep economic hole for themselves — now that millions have awakened to their scams and crimes — will they play the only card they have left, and start another World War? It’s clear that the tyrants hate Russia, because Russia is not under their control, and recent false flag events indicate that Russian resistance to the ongoing attempted CIA / Mossad coup in Syria may be used as a pretext. (38 minutes)

• US Treasuries, at nearly zero per cent. interest, have now reached the point where many rational investors consider them unmarketable. What does that say about the solvency of institutions that hold vast quantities of them? (41 minutes)

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‘Obamacare’ Tax Hike List via K4HZY

Full List of Obamacare Tax Hikes: Listed by Size of Tax Hike

(As promised on last night’s Liberty Net session, here is the list showing that the “Obamacare” law contains 20 new or higher taxes on American families and small businesses.)

WASHINGTON, DC — Obamacare contains 20 new or higher taxes on American families and small businesses. Arranged by their respective sizes according to CBO scores, below is the total list of all $500 billion-plus in tax hikes (over the next ten years) in Obamacare, their effective dates, and where to find them in the bill.

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Liberty Net: June 30, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

HEAT-WAVE-INDUCED power failures swept across the Middle Atlantic this week, but backup systems in place kept the Liberty Net over-the-air and Internet presence strong nevertheless. On a typical net night, there are at least two streams active from two separate stations which are also active on the air, with yet a third station making a backup recording.

Listen: Liberty Net 6/30″]

Here are some excerpts from this week’s session of the net:

• When talking about the federal monster, it’s very important to remember to use the accurate description “the regime in Washington” instead of any phrase that might imply that the de facto government there is legal, legitimate, reformable, or in any way a continuation of the government of the founders. Calling it “the Obama regime” is also inappropriate because 1) it implies that the oligarchs’ errand boy is actually in charge, and 2) it obscures the fact that the tyranny we live under is many decades old and persists no matter which party won the last phony election. (24 minutes)

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Liberty Net: February 11, 2012

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THIS WEEK MARKED the return of Al, N2SAG — one of our most interesting speakers and longest-term participants — to the Liberty Net after a too-long absence due to a change of QTH. Welcome back, Al!

Listen: Liberty Net 2/11″]

Here’s a small selection of the issues debated and discussed on the Liberty Net this week:

• Two more banks have failed this week alone — making a total of nine US bank failures this year; and 154 more are on the death-watch list. This is even more egregious than you might think, since it’s not that easy to fail when you have a license to print money. (15 minutes)

• Is the new “Obamacare” health care model really a new incarnation of supply side economics? After all, how better to reward suppliers and control buyers than by requiring that a product be purchased? (19 minutes)

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Liberty Net for Week of February 6-13

by Kevin Strom, WB4AIO

THIS WEEK the longest-running current events discussion net on Amateur Radio, the weekly Liberty Net, took place on its 3950 kHz LSB nominal frequency — though most weeks, interference, some of it intentional, forces the Net to be frequency-agile, usually within 10 kHz or less. Here are a few highlights from the free-swinging discussions that took place:

Listen to or download this week’s Liberty Net”]

• Obama has now publicly stated that Americans “should not be questioning” his citizenship. (25 minutes)

• Armed Haitian gangs continue to terrorize the island, including one attack on a UN aid convoy. Similar attacks take place regularly in sub-Saharan Africa and in areas of the U.S. where Haitians have immigrated in significant numbers. Also, cock-fighting and Voodoo remain strong presences on the island, as is the folk belief in the “Loup garou,” the possessed who kidnap and eat children; many accused of being “Loup garous” have been killed. (In France, the “Loup garou” is an old myth, like vampires are to us — but millions of Haitians not only believe in such things, but kill to “protect themselves” from them.) (27 minutes)

• Why did the power structure which got the boobs whipped up to pull the levers for Obama pick such a person, whose background and even citizenship is highly questionable? Answer: he is blackmailable. The power structure always wants a back-door way to get rid of its puppets in case they get out of control, and Obama is no exception. (52 minutes)

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