WHILE MUCH OF North America is buried in a thick mantle of white snow, radio conditions have been as good as travel conditions have been bad. So warm up your radio shack with a crackling pine log and your rig’s glowing tungsten filaments, and travel via the magic of the Kennelly-Heaviside Layer — and share ideas with the new friends you’ll find on amateur radio’s Liberty Net.
Listen: Liberty Net 1/19″]
Here are a few small examples of the ideas discussed on the Liberty Net this week:
• If the alleged lawmakers in Washington and in statehouses throughout the land fail to read and heed the Constitution’s absolute prohibition of even the slightest infringement of the people’s right to defend themselves with arms — even from the police or “US government” troops if necessary — someday they may find themselves arrested and charged by an aroused citizenry. (16 minutes)
• If anyone needs to be disarmed, it should be those who operate — and those who order the operation of — the lethal drones that are being used by the Washington regime to kill innocent children even as we speak. (19 minutes)