BEHIND THE SCENES, a sting operation was successful in outing one of the 75 meter jammers who have plagued the Liberty Net in the past, and we hope that fear of future consequences will keep him and his fellow miscreants off the air permanently. There were quite a few new callsigns heard on the Liberty Net this week, and the frequency was almost interference free.
[wpaudio url=”,%20Saturday%20%20%204h%2039m%2000s%20%20%20Source%20%20N2IRJ.mp3″ text=”Listen: 12/18 Liberty Net”]
Here’s a selection of the issues discussed this time on amateur radio’s longest-running discussion net:
• What have our armed services become today? They are flooded with huge numbers of Blacks looking for an alternative to crime and welfare (they even use violent “rap” music to work up these new-type soldiers to a frenzy before sending them off on killing assignments in the Mideast); they are now recruiting Muslims and other Third World immigrants on a massive scale; and soon they will be openly welcoming homosexuals. The US armed services have become the mercenaries of an evil multicultural empire, and conservatives should stop regarding them with their accustomed, and wildly inappropriate, reverence. (9 minutes)